I also leave it as an exercise to the reader to decide which is the case here. 我同样将它留给读者作为练习,请自行判断我们这里的练习属于哪种情况。
Finally, I decide to toss the "loaning funds" use case. 最后,我决定抛开“贷款”用例。
In analyzing this set, I might decide that the second and third scenarios actually comprise a stand-alone use case that's distinct from the "happy-path" scenario. 在分析这些方案时,我会判定第二和第三种方案实际上包含了一个与“一路顺风”方案截然不同的独立用例。
The statement said that 'fundamental fairness requires that the jury decide the case based on all the evidence.' 这份声明说,出于最起码的公平,陪审团应该在了解全部证据的基础上对本案做出裁决。
Authorities have a deadline of Friday evening, in accordance with local procedure, to decide whether to send the case to prosecutors or hand the protesters over to immigration authorities to be sent out of the country. 按照日本处理类似事件的一般程序,日本有关部门最晚将于周五晚间决定是将本案交给检方,还是将这些活动人士交给移民管理机构,并由该机构将他们驱逐出境。
Depending on the rules of the particular court, the court may decide the case based on the briefs submitted to the court or the court may schedule oral argument. 依据具体法庭的规则,法庭可以根据提交的摘要做出判决也可以安排口头辩论。
In some jurisdictions the lawyers must specifically request oral argument; if they forget to request oral argument the court will decide the case on the briefs. 在一些裁判中,律师必须明确要求口头辩论;如果他们忘记要求,法庭将根据摘要做出判决。
The client can decide whether or not to take the case to court. 当事人能决定是否把该诉讼提交法庭。
However, we may decide to do so in the future, in which case we will update this privacy policy accordingly. 但是,我们可以决定在将来那么做,并同时更新我们的隐私权政策。
It was immediately sealed to allow federal prosecutors time to decide if they wanted to intervene in the case. 这项诉讼立即被封存,为联邦法院检察官留出时间决定是否介入这个案例。
We must decide the case on its merits. 我们应根据本身条件来决定事情。0?
The characteristics of the audit subjects, industry development and employment needs of the students decide to develop the audit case teaching. 审计学科特征、行业发展和学生就业的需要决定了开展审计案例教学的必要性。
The Supreme Court ruled in 2004 that US courts had jurisdiction to decide the case, but it was finally settled by an Austrian arbitration panel that ruled in favour of the Bloch-Bauers. 2004年,美国最高法院裁定,美国法院有权就此案做出裁决,但最终解决此案的是奥地利仲裁小组,他们做出了有利于布洛赫鲍尔家族的裁定。
There is general flexibility to decide when capital contributions have to be made, but in the case of a foreign-invested partnership the law imposes a rigid 90-day deadline. 在决定认缴出资额的问题上,法规总的来说是灵活的,但如果是外资合伙企业的话,法律就规定了90天的严格时限。
The Court is requested to decide the Case on the basis of the rules and principles of general international law, as well as any applicable treaties. 请求法院根据基础国际法律的规定和原理,并同一系列可行的条例处理该案件。
The student then appealed on the grounds that his answer was indisputably correct, and the University appointed an independent arbiter to decide the case. 该学生后来向校方上诉,理由是他的答案无可争议是正确的,于是学校任命了一个独立仲裁员来调查这件事。
And decide whether the case should go to trial. 法官决定案子要不要上庭。
They have to decide whether to ban all abortions except in the case when a pregnant woman's life is in danger. 他们要决定是否禁止一切堕胎行为,有生命危险的孕妇除外。
The Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission shall decide on the request for a dismissal of the case if the request is made before the formation of the arbitration tribunal, and the arbitration tribunal shall decide if the request is put forward after the formation of the arbitration tribunal. 在仲裁庭组成前申请撤销案件的,由仲裁委员会秘书长作出决定;在仲裁庭组成后申请撤销案件的,由仲裁庭作出决定。
To decide the size of my carrying case, I placed the skewers on top of the fabric and folded the top and bottom sides over. 为了确定袋子的尺寸,我把烧烤叉放在布上,把顶端和底部的布往中心折。
The judge will decide the case tomorrow. 法官将于明天对案子进行判决。
His hesitation indicated his unwillingness The judge will decide the case tomorrow. 他犹豫不决的样子表明他并不愿意。法官将于明天对案子进行判决。
Microsoft said it had yet to decide whether to pursue the case further, but hinted it would try to take it to the Supreme Court. 微软表示,尚未决定是否就此案采取进一步行动,但它暗示,可能会向最高法庭提起上诉。
The judge, or in some cases the prosecutor and the defense attorney, then question potential jurors to ensure that they would decide the case fairly; 接着由法官(在某些情况下是检察官和被告的辩护律师)向候选的陪审员们提出问题,以确信他们能够公正地判决;
In the system of personal laws, the Sharia courts or the local courts will decide the case before it according to the lex fori, therefore, the problem of choice of law turns on the question of jurisdiction. 在属人法律制度中,沙里阿法院或地方法院总是适用法院地法审理案件,因此,法律选择问题转化为管辖权问题。
The certain context courtroom restricts the participants 'power of voicing, which could avoid the overuse of their rights and increase the possibility of being impartial to decide the case result. 法庭这一特定的语境限制了参与者的发言形式和内容,从而避免陈述权力的滥用,提高公正判决案件的可能性。
In order to decide the most unfavorable load case accurately and quickly, using static analysis method this paper draws out the influence surface of bend moment for main section; 为了准确、快捷的确定最不利荷载工况,利用静力法绘制了旧桥主拱圈各控制截面的弯矩影响面;
Purpose To compare the Clinical value of 2D-TOF and 3D-CE MRA in patients with acute lower extremity occlusion and decide which is the best one for emergency case. 目的比较两种方法在急性下肢动脉闭塞中的应用价值,旨在为临床急诊提供快速、准确的检查方法。
Non-prosecution Discretion is one of the ways for the Prosecutor to adopt his discretion power. It will be the determinant element to decide whether the case will go into the criminal trial procedures or not. 不起诉裁量是检察官行使自由裁量权的一种方式,案件是否进入到刑事诉讼的审判程序,不起诉裁量权具有决定作用。